[CentOS-virt] How to debug kernel with kernel-3.10.68-11.el6

Tue Jan 19 14:42:44 UTC 2016
Johnny Hughes <johnny at centos.org>

On 01/19/2016 02:21 AM, Xiaoding (B) wrote:
> Hi all
> I used kernel-3.10.68-11.el6 as dom0 and config kdump  
> I have got vmcore file when compute crash, but not found debuginfo
> package from http://debuginfo.centos.org/
> I found  kernel-3.10.68-11.el6 set CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO=n 
> Why not set this key?  Is there any other method to debug when compute
> crash

The xen kernel is based on the elrepo kernel spec files and those do not
produce debguinfo rpms.

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