[CentOS-virt] [x-post] Upstream possible patches to libvirt to enable building upstream libvirt packages with libxl

Wed May 18 20:11:43 UTC 2016
Le Nucksi <lenucksi at lenucksi.eu>

Jean-Marc Liger <jean-marc.liger at ...> writes:

> Le 15/05/2016 à 20:42, Le Nucksi a écrit :
> > On 05/14/2016 07:16 AM, Le Nucksi wrote:
> >> Hello list,
> >>
> >> is there a way to get more recent libvirt builds for CentOS 7 that include
> >> support for the xl (modern Xen) toolstack?
> Hy,
> I am maintening the firt mentionned repo. I personnaly don't use xen but 
> I planned to include xen support for the next libvirt release and I had 
> already rebuilt the last xen packages from Virt SIG for this purpose. I 
> have just rebuilt the current libvirt with xen and libxsl enabled.

Hello Jean-Marc,

good to have found you here and thank you very much for your work!
I've just installed them and up to now they appear to work flawlessly.
I'ld come back to you if I find something unflawless if that is ok for you.

> Best regards,
> Jean-Marc Liger

Best regards,