[CentOS-virt] grub-bootxen.sh

Mon Mar 20 17:44:40 UTC 2017
Alvin Starr <alvin at netvel.net>

This is not abit issue just a minor annoyance.

I use Foreman to provision my systems and to keep control I remove all 
the default *.repo files andkeep away from installing more *.repo files 
so I can control the content via the foreman(katello) provided redhat.repo.

I would argue that the *-release-*.rpm should not contain any setup 
code  but just the stuff in /etc/yum.repos.d.

Alvin Starr                   ||   voice: (905)513-7688
Netvel Inc.                   ||   Cell:  (416)806-0133
alvin at netvel.net              ||