[CentOS-virt] "Vixen" HVM shim package available in virt-xen-testing

Tue Jan 16 10:45:34 UTC 2018
George Dunlap <dunlapg at umich.edu>

To install the package:

 yum --enablerepo=virt-xen-VV-testing xen-vixen

Where VV is '44', '46', or '48', depending on which version you're
using.   (It's the same package for all versions.)

This will install the xen-vixen "shim" binary, as well as the
pvshim-converter script.

See XSA-254 [1] for detailed information about who should use it, why,
and when.  Please report both successes and failures here. :-)


[1] https://xenbits.xen.org/xsa/advisory-254.html