[CentOS-virt] CentOS 7 AMI missing ENA support

Wed Jan 24 15:03:55 UTC 2018
Allen, Jonathan <Jonathan.Allen at team.neustar>

Getting this API error trying to launch CentOS 7 (x86_64) - with Updates HVM AMI with AWS c5.large instance type in us-west-2:

==> amazon-ebs: Error launching source instance: InvalidParameterCombination: Enhanced networking with the Elastic Network Adapter (ENA) is required for the 'c5.large' instance type. Ensure that you are using an AMI that is enabled for ENA.

AMI ID ami-a042f4d8, which is the 1801_01 version.

Any ETA on this support, or is this an error in the new version that was released?

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