[Centos] binary RPMs

Rocky McGaugh

rocky-lists at mcgaugh.org
Wed Aug 11 20:55:37 UTC 2004

dan1 wrote:

>Hi everybody.
>I know that we can normally install source rpms designed for RH9 and FC1,
>but can we also install the binary RPMs for RH9 and/or FC1 on a CentOS 3
>system ?

RH9 rpm's often work. Most of the rhel stuff is based off of work done 
on RH9.

If it is a system-critical package (like glibc or ldtool or something) 
then i would think harder about trying. If it is a stand-alone 
application, then there would probably be no hurt in trying...:)

Rocky McGaugh 
rmcgaugh at teamhpc.com

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