[Centos] Re: migration center

Thu Aug 12 13:13:59 UTC 2004
Rick Graves <gravesricharde at yahoo.com>


Would you like to take a first crack at the text for
the migration center?  You could then run it by this

If we get something that is good enough not to get
shot down here, I will work it into the web site.  

If we decide to go with separate sites, the text could
just be copied over, so there would be no wasted


--- centos-request at caosity.org wrote:

Message: 8
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 2004 09:28:57 +1000
From: John Newbigin <jn at it.swin.edu.au>
To: centos at caosity.org
Subject: Re: [Centos] suggestions for CentOS


I think another thing we should have is a 'migration
centre' which can 
help people decide what product and procedure to use
to upgrade from 
various distros.

Something along the lines of:
RedHat 7.2 -> reinstall with CentOS-2
            -> reinstall with CentOS-3.1
            -> reinstall with cAos
            -> live update to CentOS-2
RedHat 9   -> reinstall CentOS-3.1
            -> live update to CentOS-3.1
RHEL 2.1   -> live update to CentOS-2
RHEL 3     -> live update to CentOS-3

And I am sure there are more.  For each procedure,
instructions and 
pitfalls etc can be listed, perhaps with community
feedback etc.