[Centos] Mysql B0rked - new install - confused

Wed Dec 22 02:42:46 UTC 2004
Denis Pilon <dpilon at dpilon.com>

Try to make sure that mysql-server is installed...

yum install mysql-server


Nigel Kendrick wrote:

>Hi Folks,
>I've just done my first two Centos installs, having moved over from
>WB..er..never mind.
>I seem to be stuck with mysql - it's not installing; well, on one system it
>starts but there's no /var/lib/mysql folder or socket file and on the other,
>mysql just doesn't seem to be there at all.
>I have done a 'yum remove mysql' and then a 'yum install mysql' on the first
>system and it's not helped! 
>Can anyone point me in the right direction to put this right.
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