[Centos] Re: YUM updates

Mon Jul 5 23:08:40 UTC 2004
John Newbigin <jn at it.swin.edu.au>

seth vidal wrote:

> On Mon, 2004-07-05 at 15:30 -0700, Rick Graves wrote:
>>>The easy way to make sure you are up to date with
>>>all the latest patches is to run:
>>># yum update
>>There is an even easier way -- tell cron to apply YUM
>>updates every day.  
>>There is a HowTo on the cAos site here:
> and for the paranoid among you.
> you can use yum check-update to display the updates that should take
> place from cron, if there are no updates, nothing will be outputted.
check-update sounds better than putting yum update in a cron job.  Only 
a mad man would do that!  Much better to run a daily cron which rsyncs 
your local patch repository.  That way you get an email which indicates 
the new packages and you can then test & deploy at your leisure.  When 
it comes time to install on your other machines, the patches are already 


> -sv
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John Newbigin - Computer Systems Officer
School of Information Technology
Swinburne University of Technology
Melbourne, Australia