[Centos] Yum update fails with GPG key

Tue Jun 15 20:16:55 UTC 2004
Johnny Hughes <mailing-lists at hughesjr.com>

On Tue, 2004-06-15 at 14:24, Jesse wrote:

> That wouldn't be bad if the site wasn't a navigation nightmare. I am
> usually pretty good at finding stuff, but our site needs help :)

Do the list admins think that posting the lists (as read only with
encrypted e-mail addresses) to GMANE (http://gmane.org/) would be a good
idea.  I'll add Centos and Centos-devel if Lance and the others want ...
it might bring more traffic to the site ... and it is fairly easy to
search through the gmane interface.

It is possible, but not very friendly,  to use the google site and
search the caosity site and mailing-lists like this (staying on our pgp
key error theme):

site:caosity.org pgp key

But I think the Gmane site is easier to search...

What does everyone else think?

-Johnny Hughes

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