[Centos] Getting Ethereal to work?

Tue Jun 22 02:28:11 UTC 2004
Denis E. Pilon <dpilon at dpilon.com>


If you are looking for the gui.. install ethereal-gnome

It should then be listed under Internet...More Internet
Applications...Ethereal  or ethereal at command line

If you only have the erthereal package..it is located in


'rpm -ql ethereal' would list all files


On Mon, 2004-06-21 at 15:29, jack at leadershipbynumbers.com wrote:
> I'd like to get Ethereal to run on CentOS 3x. Now, yum says everything is
> in place for ethereal, but I can't find any executable and am feeling real
> dumb. I've checked numerous forums (and the Red Hat site), but I can't find
> anything specific. I've used locate and find, but while there is a lot of
> ethereal material spread around on my CentOS 3 server, I'm missing the big
> piece to run it.
> Anyone point me in the right direction?
> Thanks, Jack
>  Jack at leadershipbynumbers.com
> http://LeadershipByNumbers.com
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