[Centos] MC


Tom.DeBlende at dhl.com
Tue May 11 08:10:34 UTC 2004

Daniel S. Reichenbach wrote:

>This has nothing to do with /etc/popt, in current RPM versions, the
>use of rpm --rebuild is deprecated. It is recommended to use this:
>rpmbuild --rebuild
 From 'man rpm':

       Add  the  following lines to /etc/popt if you wish to continue 
       rpmbuild from the rpm command line:

       rpm     exec --bp               rpmb -bp
       rpm     exec --bc               rpmb -bc
       rpm     exec --bi               rpmb -bi
       rpm     exec --bl               rpmb -bl
       rpm     exec --ba               rpmb -ba
       rpm     exec --bb               rpmb -bb
       rpm     exec --bs               rpmb -bs
       rpm     exec --tp               rpmb -tp
       rpm     exec --tc               rpmb -tc
       rpm     exec --ti               rpmb -ti
       rpm     exec --tl               rpmb -tl
       rpm     exec --ta               rpmb -ta
       rpm     exec --tb               rpmb -tb
       rpm     exec --ts               rpmb -ts
       rpm     exec --rebuild          rpmb --rebuild
       rpm     exec --recompile        rpmb --recompile
       rpm     exec --clean            rpmb --clean
       rpm     exec --rmsource         rpmb --rmsource
       rpm     exec --rmspec           rpmb --rmspec
       rpm     exec --target           rpmb --target
       rpm     exec --short-circuit    rpmb --short-circuit

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