[Centos] OpenOffice.org bug in version openoffice.org-1.1.0-15.EL

Mon May 10 12:37:46 UTC 2004
Johnny Hughes <mailing-lists at hughesjr.com>


There is a bug in OpenOffice.org in version openoffice.org-1.1.0-15.EL
where the help file doesn't open if you select help.

Here is the bug and the fix:

Basically, edit the file /usr/bin/ooffice and find
<value>'$lang'</value> then replace it with <value>$lang</value>.

I have tested this on both CentOS and WhiteBox Enterprise Linux and the
fix works.

This error has been corrected in FedoraCore with version
openoffice.org-1.1.0-16.  Supposedly to be released soon for RHEL...but
if you can't wait, fix it now.

-Johnny Hughes
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