[Centos] dvd iso's

Fri Nov 5 00:05:26 UTC 2004
John Newbigin <jn at it.swin.edu.au>

William Warren wrote:

> ack...i am not even familiar with how to look at source code rofl..:)
anaconda is a special case because the binary rpm contains the source 
code (some of which I have included below).

Your .discinfo looks correct, comma separated list of cd numbers.  It 
may well be a different issue.  Are you still using iso9660? 
Unfortunately I don't have a DVD ROM or burner so I can't test :(


/usr/lib/anaconda/image.py looks like the place:
                         if os.access("/mnt/source/.discinfo", os.R_OK):
                             f = open("/mnt/source/.discinfo")
                             newStamp = f.readline().strip()
                                 descr = f.readline().strip()
                                 descr = None
                                 arch = f.readline().strip()
                                 arch = None
                                 discNum = getDiscNums(f.readline().strip())
                                 discNum = [ 0 ]
                             if (newStamp == timestamp and
                                 arch == _arch and
                                 needed in discNum):
                                 done = 1
                                 self.currentDisc = discNum

def getDiscNums(line):
     # get the disc numbers for this disc
     nums = line.split(",")
     discNums = []
     for num in nums:
     return discNums

> John Newbigin wrote:
>> The best place to look is the anaconda source code.  It is mostly 
>> python which is not too hard to figure out but I have been bitten once 
>> or twice (sorry, the pun was intended).
>> I am grabbing the source now and I'll have a look.
>> John.
>> William Warren wrote:
>>> I edited the .discinfo file but still the installer does not
>>> recognize the dvd as an instllation medium.  I have attached the
>>> .discinfo file.  If i made a mistake let me know..otherwsie it
>>> looks like the installation program itself may need a bit of
>>> adjusting..no idea.
>>> William
>>> William Warren wrote:
>>>> Well that didn't work.  I got a bootable dvd out of it but the 
>>>> centos installed did not detect the media as having the installation 
>>>> files.  It asked for a cd instead of recognizing the dvd.  Winiso 
>>>> cannot handle dvd's..:(  Anyone have a way to make the centos 
>>>> installer realize all its files are on the dvd instead of looking 
>>>> for three cd's?
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> 1095354229.83
>>> update3
>>> i386
>>> 1,2,3
>>> RedHat/base
>>> RedHat/RPMS
>>> RedHat/pixmaps

John Newbigin
Computer Systems Officer
Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies
Swinburne University of Technology
Melbourne, Australia