Beth Curotto wrote: > System = CentOS / Apache 2.0 / HTML files location = /var/www/html > > Nat'd IP - ports 80, 20, 21 already opened & routed to internal ip. > > I desperately need the quick & dirty solution. > > I need a setup where one user can ftp from another desktop (windows) to > upload new website files. I currently have CuteFTP, but will use > anything needed at this point. > > I need to try to test this today. VERY new to linux, I am completely > bogged down trying to learn command-line syntax. > > Thanks in advance, Beth > Beth: I use pure-ftpd. I've found this ftp server to be the easiest and most secure to set-up for Redhat systems. Go to: The Redhat binary (rpm) version can be downloaded here: You'll probably want the "i686" version. Install the rpm package (you'll need to be root to do this): # rpm -Uvh pure-ftpd-1.0.19-1.i686.rpm And that's it. Michael