[CentOS] vino question

Mon Apr 25 19:39:24 UTC 2005
Lee Parmeter <leejpar at yahoo.com>

The Vino package is installed on my CentOS 4 server, but I
am unable to connect to it using vncviewer (vncviewer
srvhost:0) from a client. However, I am not sure if it is
"running" or how to "start" it if this is needed. The
client machine in this case is running Ubuntu Hoary (gnome
2.10). The connection is just rejected.

So, I am now wondering what else needs to be done to enable
remote connects to succeed. I did configure the "remote
desktop" settings on the server per discussion in the
thread. I am on trusted network and have the firewall
support turned off on both machines. 

I would just use the standard Xvnc and "vncviewer
hostname:1", which does work, but when I login via
vncviewer I am unable to do any root configuration via
gnome. In other distros, I have not had this problem. I run
my file server without a monitor, so I need full access to
root settings from gnome just like I have when logged in
non-root using a monitor and keyboard.


Lee Parmeter Emperor, linXos - The Flying Penguin
Linux Registered User #337161 

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God is not a republican or a democrat nor is His government a democracy! - Lee Parmeter

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