[CentOS] PHPBB+Centos

Thu Apr 14 21:05:15 UTC 2005
Dominik Składanowski <dominik.skladanowski at ch.pw.edu.pl>

> I'm having a hard time getting PHPBB installed on Centos. We get the error
> that The PHP configuration on your server doesn't support the database type
> that you chose. We choose MySQL 3.x but get that error. Perhaps PHP4 isn't
> compatible with MySQL 3.23.58-1?

I think it's not a problem of compatibility PHP4 with MySQL 3.x

Few weeks ago I had a problem to access PostgreSQL database from the PHP
on CentOS 4. I changed database username to the name httpd use to work
in system - just "apache". After that I could run my PHP scripts.

D o m i n i k    S k ł a d a n o w s k i

e-mail:                             dominik.skladanowski at ch.pw.edu.pl
www:                                         http://www.ch.pw.edu.pl/