[CentOS] Vncserver not serving up my gnome desktop, just a fancy terminal!

Tue Apr 26 00:30:29 UTC 2005
Lee Parmeter <leejpar at yahoo.com>

--- William Hooper <whooperhsd3 at earthlink.net> wrote:
> Lee Parmeter wrote:
> [snip]
> > The Vino package was installed on my installation by
> > default, but I am unable to connect to the CentOS 4
> server from a client
> > machine running Ubuntu Hoary (gnome 2.10). The  is
> rejected. Tried
> > vncviewer using hostname:0 per documentation. So, I am
> now wondering what
> > else needs to be done to enable remote connects to
> succeed. I did
> > configure the "remote desktop" settings per discussion
> in the thread.
> Check the usual suspects?  Is your firewall configured
> correctly?  Is vino
> actually listening (netstat)?

No firewall. The viewer even fails when run on the server
as:  vncviewer localhost:0

Since I am on a trusted network, I added an ALL statement
ot hosts.allow for my client machine's ip.

> I don't know vino specifically, does it leverage the VNC
> X module?

Yes, I think that's what is needed. Some statements are
required in the xorg.conf file to enable vnc support. I ran
across some info in this area on the Ubuntu forums.

> > I would just use the standard Xvnc and hostname:1,
> which is
> > working, but when I login via vncviewer I am unable to
> do any root
> > configuration via gnome.
> I can't say I've seen this issue.  Do you have a Gnome
> session open on the
> console at the same time? 

Not always, generally the user is logged out of the server.

 I know Gnome doesn't like
> that.

I am being to wonder if vino really works! 
Why is there no doc or man page?
> -- 
> William Hooper
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Lee Parmeter Emperor, linXos - The Flying Penguin
Linux Registered User #337161 

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