[CentOS] Maia Mailguard

Thu Apr 28 15:19:01 UTC 2005
Jacob Leaver <jleaver+centos at reachone.com>

No, there's no rpm for maia, yet.   However, manual installation isn't 
really all that difficult.  On the order of any web-based program, really.

Jacob Leaver
Senior Systems Administrator
ReachONE Internet

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Leonard Isham" <leonard.isham at gmail.com>
To: "CentOS mailing list" <centos at centos.org>
Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2005 9:34 PM
Subject: [CentOS] Maia Mailguard

OK sever hours of grepping through the output of "yum list available,"
google, checking rpmfind, Dag, Fedore Extras, etc., and there doesn't
seem to be a RPM for Maia Mailguard.

If there is one please point me in the right direction and beat me
over the head with the correct way to find RPMs in the future.

Maybe I just need sleep...
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