[CentOS] rebuilding anaconda for centos 4.0

Fri Apr 29 14:01:30 UTC 2005
David Thompson <thomas at cs.wisc.edu>

Continuing the thread, if there's anyone out there who has successfully 
completed an anaconda rebuild (buildinstall & genhdlist), please let me know 
that it can be done, either privately or to the list.  Having solved the 
kernel/loopback mount problem, I now have an anaconda that whose installer 
process dies at the point where it tries to install the first RPM.

I have diffed the contents of the various file system images against the stock 
images, and I see nothing that would indicate a problem.

Again, any information, hacks, or debugging tips are very much appreciated.

Dave Thompson  ( thomas(at)cs(dot)wisc(dot)edu )

Associate Researcher                  Department of Computer Science
University of Wisconsin-Madison       http://www.cs.wisc.edu/(twiddle)thomas
1210 West Dayton Street
Madison, WI 53706-1685