[CentOS] Re: Booting CentOS with LILO?

Fri Apr 29 17:45:52 UTC 2005
Nicola Losito <nicola.losito at gmail.com>

Aleksandar Milivojevic ha scritto:
> I think it is not possible anymore to select LILO in installation GUI (I 
> might be wrong, haven't done GUI installs for a long time),

AFAIK you have to choose an "advanced" option in the Anaconda section 
regarding the bootloader installation. Here you can change between LILO/Grub 
and the location on which install it (MBR or somewhere else in /dev/*d* )


			   Nicola  -=KOOLINUS=-  Losito
                            web: http://www.koolinus.net
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