[CentOS] Re: The scariest set up of all: Printer Support -- step-by-step: Canon PIXUS iP3100

Matt Hyclak

hyclak at math.ohiou.edu
Fri Aug 19 12:04:27 UTC 2005

On Fri, Aug 19, 2005 at 06:11:07PM +0900, Dave Gutteridge enlightened us:
> >system-config-printer-gui
> Ah! There it is.
> Well, Everything went according to plan as far as the web site 
> instructions went.
> However, when trying to print a test page, I got the following error output:
> I [19/Aug/2005:18:07:16 +0900] Adding start banner page "none" to job 3.
> I [19/Aug/2005:18:07:16 +0900] Adding end banner page "none" to job 3.
> I [19/Aug/2005:18:07:16 +0900] Job 3 queued on 'Canon' by 'root'.
> I [19/Aug/2005:18:07:16 +0900] Started filter 
> /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops (PID 6160) for job 3.
> I [19/Aug/2005:18:07:16 +0900] Started filter 
> /usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip (PID 6161) for job 3.
> I [19/Aug/2005:18:07:16 +0900] Started backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/usb 
> (PID 6162) for job 3.
> And at the command prompt where I had originally started 
> system-config-printer-gui, I got these error messages:
> No match for USB device:
>  mfr "Canon"
>  model "iP_3100"
>  desc "Canon iP_3100"
>  cmdset "BJL,BJRaster3,BSCCe"
> Please report this message in Bugzilla:
>  https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla
> Choose 'foomatic' as the component.
> Does anyone smarter than me (which is anyone) have any idea if there are 
> any potential clues in this?
> Note that I'm fully prepared for my printer to not work. But I'm not 
> ready to give up quite yet.

First thing I would do is open /etc/cups/cupsd.conf and change LogLevel to
debug2. Restart cups with a "service cups restart". Try printing again and
you should get much more verbose output that should point you in the right


Matt Hyclak
Department of Mathematics 
Department of Social Work
Ohio University
(740) 593-1263

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