[CentOS] IPTables not working?

Thu Aug 25 14:48:18 UTC 2005
centos at silverservers.com <centos at silverservers.com>

Hello CentOS,

I'm having a strange situation on one of my servers.  I'm running
CentOS with all the latest yum updates.  It runs fine, but iptables
does not seem to be 'consistently' dropping the packets from the IP's
I've put a drop rule in for.   When I do iptables -L I still see the
rule in place:

iptables -L
Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target     prot opt source                     destination
RH-Firewall-1-INPUT  all  --  anywhere         anywhere
DROP       all  --  ip176-0.netcathost.com/24  anywhere 

With this rule in place and iptables running, I am now getting the
blocked IP's showing up in my apache logs again.  this used to work...
has something changed?

Best regards,
mailto:mikelists at silverservers.com