[CentOS] Opteron in 32-bit mode

Mon Aug 1 18:28:50 UTC 2005
Paul Heinlein <heinlein at madboa.com>

I'm spec-ing a development server for some Haskell hackers. In 
particular, they need to be able to build and run the Glasgow Haskell 
Compiler (ghc), the x86_64 port of which isn't quite there yet.

My current thought is to get an Opteron-based system, but load it 
(initially, at least) with the 32-bit i386 version of CentOS. That buys 
me near-term ghc compatibility. In the future, should ghc become 64-bit 
clean, I'll be able to upgrade to a full 64-bit OS.

The alternative is to build the server around high-end ia32 chips and 
leave the Opteron for another day.

Does anyone have experience running a 32-bit-only OS on Opterons? Are 
there any gotchas?

Paul Heinlein <> heinlein at madboa.com <> www.madboa.com