Thu Aug 4 17:09:31 UTC 2005
Franki <franki at htmlfixit.com>

Thanks for that guys,

The httpd mysql link would be for the setup of virtual hosts, not for 
user auth.

To that end it looks like mod_vhost_mysql would be the go, I'm just 
looking for a RH/FC src rpm to rebuild so I can keep it all in rpm.
I installed pam_mysql by rebuilding an FC4 src rpm, so I'll see how I go 
with this one as well. (no luck so far)

If I can't find one for Redhat, I'll try and make one myself I guess, 
but it's been a while since I played with building rpms.

Basically my end goal is to have mail (already done on debian Woody but 
now to replicate on CentOS), DNS, HTTPD and TLS FTP all configured from 
a dedicated mysql server connected to the machines via gigabit internal 

That way I can write a custom Perl or PHP app that will be only 
accessable to me on the internal network where I can completely 
configure a new setup from one web form. It could cut down on my work 



Simon Perreault wrote:
> On Tuesday 02 August 2005 06:28, Will McDonald wrote:
>>You have to use something like pam-mysql (if your users are stored in
> That's what we use over here, and it works moderately well. I'd go a step 
> further and use mod_auth_pam for Apache instead of mod_auth_mysql and use the 
> same service. That way you can be sure that Apache authentication behaves 
> exactly the same way as vsftpd authentication.
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