[CentOS] Re: OT - RPM queries [was Re: Firefox, Flash and Java on CentOS 4.1 x86-64]

Fri Aug 12 14:40:18 UTC 2005
Bryan J. Smith <b.j.smith at ieee.org>

[ I fail to see how this is "off-topic"?
A new thread, maybe, but "off-topic" for the list? ]

Phil Schaffner <Philip.R.Schaffner at nasa.gov> wrote:
> I have the following in ~/.rpmmacros:
> # Change default RPM query format to show ARCH
> %_query_all_fmt %%{name}-%%{version}-%%{release}.%%{arch}

Rohan Walsh <rohan_walsh at yahoo.com.au> wrote:
> rpm -qa --qf %{NAME}.%{ARCH}\\n |grep i386


BTW, if you saw my post, I found a _better_ way to tell me
what RPMs I've loaded that are _not_ in the YUM repositories
-- Fedora Core, Extras and Livna.ORG, as I have configured.

  # yum list extras

That made it ultra-simple to get just what I had added, which
was the i386/i586 RPMs from Fedora Core/Extras (basic
Firefox, a few others), Livna.ORG (most of the multimedia
add-ons) and 3rd parties (e.g., Adobe Acrobat Reader,
Macromedia Flash, Sun Java Run-time).

BTW, I should have posted my
/usr/lib/modules/firefox[-1.0.6]/plugins directory.  I will
do that early next week when I have access to my Athlon 64
system again.

Bryan J. Smith                | Sent from Yahoo Mail
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