[CentOS] using various IDE or SCSI hard drive interfaces with CentOS Linux questions

Thu Aug 18 15:07:15 UTC 2005
Robert Hanson <roberth at abbacomm.net>


it has been a long time and i do not recall all the specifics

if one loads CentOS Linux on a machine with an PATA IDE or SCSI hard drive
interface then i should be able to interchange that drive on virtually _ANY_
machine with an PATA IDE or SCSI respectively right?? (ignore physical
connector differences on SCSI)

i believe the answer(s) to be yes...

now, what about the newer SATA? will it hold true there as well or are there
enough minor differences in SATA creation and growth where one could run
into an occasional problem?

the bottom line appears to be that almost _ALL_ relevant hardware drivers
from the past and the present are included in the distribution correct?

can anyone comment on any major recent "gotchas" or other relevant
situations they experienced in moving drives from machine to machine or ???

tia and regards,

 - rh

Robert Hanson
Abba Communications