[CentOS] Dual Boot problem

Fri Aug 26 13:08:05 UTC 2005
Kai <centos.newsgroup at sandsengen.com>

I've had the same problem with debian first installed, I don't think 
this system are willing to find other linux system, i don't now. Here is 
my routine

1. figure out with harddisk suse is:
[root at server kai]# /sbin/fdisk -l

2. mkdir for mounting
[root at server ~]# mkdir /mnt/debian

3. mount the suse disk
[root at server kai]# mount /dev/hdb1 /mnt/debian

4. now brows your way to grub.conf on suse.
/mnt/debian/boot/grub/ whatever locaton

5. copy the suse boot and paste it in centos, grub.conf


Henry Newton wrote:
> Hi all
> Have tried to dual boot CentOS with SUSE 9.3.
> Installed SUSE first then CentOS 4 and now cant boot into SUSE any
> ideas how I can get grub to pick up SUSE..I thought I had configured
> grub correctly at install.
> Regards.
> Newton
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