[CentOS] Can't mount FAT32 partition

Tue Aug 30 02:08:19 UTC 2005
Dave Gutteridge <dave at tokyocomedy.com>

Okay, the current /etc/fstab file has this entry in it:
/dev/hda1               /mnt/windows            vfat    
rw,noauto,user,uid=512,gid=1002 0 0

When I run "mount -a", I get no errors.

But when go to the /mnt/windows directory at the command line, it's empty.

In Nautilus, I get an icon for the new drive, but if I click on it, I 
get that same error as before:
wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda, or too many 
mounted file systems

I had no trouble before with CentOS detecting and using a Fat32 external 
hard drive, connected by firewire. Why is this drive behaving differently?
