[CentOS] server install and software config advise please

Tue Aug 30 18:42:05 UTC 2005
Will McDonald <wmcdonald at gmail.com>

On 30/08/05, Robert Hanson <roberth at abbacomm.net> wrote:

> Will, when using what you have above, it wont find things that actually
> correlate to "named" and "cpuspeed" etc...

Well, the stuff listed in the output of chkconfig relates to startup
files in /etc/rc.d/init.d/ and symlinks to them from the appropriate
run levels.

If the package name doesn't directly correlate with corresponding init
script in init.d/ name-wise you can find out which package the startup
scripts belongs to with

rpm -qfi /etc/rc.d/init.d/$script_name

As Johnny says, the defaults are RHEL's. 
