[CentOS] USB Disk

Tue Aug 30 20:47:40 UTC 2005
Dominik Składanowski <dominik.skladanowski at ch.pw.edu.pl>

James Pifer wrote:
> I put a new server together with CentOS 4. This server is doing a number
> of functions including ntp, mail, and web server. I had a USB drive
> plugged in and it was working great. I could access it at /media/usbdisk
> and I copied lots of data to it. 
> I felt the server was "complete" so I wanted to move it. I shut it down,
> moved it, etc. Everything is ok, except that I cannot access the usbdisk
> now. If I plug it into my laptop (FC4) I can access it without any
> problems. 
> When I plug it into the server I get:
> [ ... ]

Look for this topic:

I had the same problem and it still exist.
D o m i n i k   S k ł a d a n o w s k i