[Bulk] [CentOS] hda dma seek errors

Wed Aug 3 20:41:58 UTC 2005
Bryan J. Smith <b.j.smith at ieee.org>

Rodrigo Barbosa <rodrigob at suespammers.org> wrote:
> I really don't think he hotswaps them.
> Most like turning the computer off, replacing the drive,
> and turning back on.
> I have seen this done many times, mostly on computer
> course labs, or test boxes.
> But I agree, ATA for hot-swaping is a BAD idea.

BRUCE STANLEY <bruce.stanley at prodigy.net> wrote:
> Hi Rodrigo!
> Your are correct, I do not hot swap them even though the
> product claims that you can.  I never trusted that with

The hot-swap/transient is just a bonus of the SATA SCA.
Although you have to have an intelligence behind SATA SCA,
just like any ATA hot-swap (i.e., hard to find outside of

The reality is that I've had issue after issue with many
[parallel] ATA bays and connections.  Same deal with
non-SCA SCSI cans.

I only go for SATA SCA or SCSI SCA, with rare exception.
I.e., only for test systems.

Bryan J. Smith                | Sent from Yahoo Mail
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