[CentOS] Re: When in doubt, all list problems are due to Bryan J. Smith -- timeline and requests ...

Fri Aug 5 04:42:30 UTC 2005
Bryan J. Smith <b.j.smith at ieee.org>

On Thu, 2005-08-04 at 23:34 -0500, Bryan J. Smith wrote:
> When in doubt, blame all list problems in me.  ;->
> It wouldn't be the first time, and it won't be the last.

Just so everyone knows, I joined the original cAos list on 2004Nov24.
I largely lurked and helped people off-list.

When the CentOS change came about in 2005Mar, I subscribed to the new
list on 2005Mar29.  I lurked a bit longer and then just decided to help
people on-list starting mid-April.

Now I don't deny I've gone off-topic, and I'm trying to curb that.  I'm
sure the verbosity of my posts are something many people dislike as well
-- e.g., some people feel like I'm treating everyone like they're a
'noob in my posts.  I'd rather give more info in case it's needed than
not and leave someone scratching their head.

But I do find it ironic that sometimes I get sole blame for things when
I clearly see others participating in the thread, let alone many took it
off-topic in the first place.

If the general, or even a significant minority, consensus is that my
posts are indeed too off-topic, I'll go back to lurking and helping off-
list.  I have no problem with that, and do it all-the-time.

Bryan J. Smith     b.j.smith at ieee.org     http://thebs413.blogspot.com
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