[CentOS] remove RPMs with cyclic dependancies.

Fri Aug 5 12:57:50 UTC 2005
Matt Hyclak <hyclak at math.ohiou.edu>

On Fri, Aug 05, 2005 at 12:14:49PM +0200, Peter Kjellström enlightened us:
> > >yum remove PACKAGE
> > But will this work when the original isntall was done with RPMs and not
> > YUM? I attempted to install OpenOffice.org Beta via YUM, but couldn't find
> > it in a repository. So I had to isntall it from the RPMs offered on the
> > OpenOffice.org site. Then, when I tried to uninstall it, I tried:
> > # yum remove openoffice*
> > ... and:
> > # yum remove openoffice
> > ... but it didn't work.
> > If I have something installed without YUM, how do I use YUM to uninstall
> > it?
> I don't think yum should have any problems removing packages even if they were 
> manually installed with the rpm-command. "yum remove openoffice" should work 
> if the package was indeed called openoffice (you can find out with "rpm -qa | 
> grep -i openoffice").

You have to be careful when using *'s. If you run the command

yum remove oppenoffice*

It *might* do what you want, however if you happen to have files in your
current directory, bash (the shell) will expand that * into files. So in
your case, let's say you downloaded all of the OOo beta files into your
current directory, and you ran the above command. Bash would turn that into

yum remove openofficeorg-data01.foo.rpm openofficeorg-data02.foo.rpm etc.

That's obviously not what you intended. However

yum remove "openoffice*" 

prevents bash from expanding the * and passes it along to yum where it

Long story short, you have to watch any sort of wildcard/special characters
and be sure to quote or escape them appropriately.


Matt Hyclak
Department of Mathematics 
Department of Social Work
Ohio University
(740) 593-1263
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