[OT]Re: [OT]Re: [CentOS] Re: When in doubt, all list problems are due to Bryan J. Smith -- timeline and requests ...

Fri Aug 5 14:57:32 UTC 2005
Peter Farrow <peter at farrows.org>


is that your real name?


Shawn M. Jones wrote:

> duffmckagan wrote:
>> On 8/5/05, Shawn M. Jones <smj at littleprojects.org> wrote:
>>> Bryan J. Smith wrote:
>>>> <SNIP>
>>>> Now I don't deny I've gone off-topic, and I'm trying to curb that.  
>>>> I'm
>>>> <SNIP>
>>>> If the general, or even a significant minority, consensus is that my
>>>> posts are indeed too off-topic, I'll go back to lurking and helping 
>>>> off-
>>>> list.  I have no problem with that, and do it all-the-time.
>>> Hi folks,
>>> Other lists use the 'OT' prefix to indicate that a subject has gone 
>>> 'off
>>> topic'.  Some of you have done this, and it's great.  This assists in
>>> searching and sorting of list information as well as allowing email
>>> filters to remove the OT posts for those who don't wish to see them.
>>> Sometimes I like to read the OT posts, sometimes I just delete them in
>>> one swell foop.
>>> Why don't we use this concept for this CentOS list?  I've noticed that
>>> some of you have been doing so, but if we make it a mailing list rule,
>>> then we have the benefit of a) OT posters and those interested in their
>>> posts can still post, and b) those who don't wish to read OT posts can
>>> delete or filter as they see fit.
>>> It is the responsibility of the originator of the OT discussion (no
>>> matter what the original thread may have been) to realize that 
>>> he/she is
>>> going OT.
>>> --Shawn
>> LOL. Like this?
>> Is it OK?
> Ja, that's the idea.
> --Shawn
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