Quoting Les Mikesell <lesmikesell at gmail.com>: > Does 'established' make any sense for anything but tcp? Yes, it does. For UDP packets, it means firewall already saw a matching packet (in either direction). There's one thing to watch out, there's timeout for how long kernel keeps UDP connection tracking tables, so if "connection" (I know it's not a connection, but for a lack of better word) is idle for a bit longer time, the next packet will go to "new" state. However, for some protocols it is still usefull (for example DNS queries). ICMP mostly goes to "related" state. The ICMP ping reply goes to established. Anyhow, back to the original problem. There's a bug in kernel (Netfilter). Well, there's several related to the same issue. If IPSec is in transport mode, the packets will go through Netfilter tables only once (as encrypted ESP packet). That's why ICMP ping reply was in new state. Netfilter never saw ICMP ping request (it only saw encrypted ESP packet). The workaround is to configure IPSec in tunnel mode, but instead of using local network addresses for the policy, use external IP address of VPN gateway. This effectively gives same functionality as transport mode. According to Netfilter developers, the bug is really hard to solve, and they were working on it for a very long time. Even in tunnel mode incomming packets are going through Netfilter tables only once, but this time same chains are propageted with encrypted packet, and some chains with decrypted packet. So it is kind of usable, unless you want to do some fancy NATing. There were some proposed patches, but they were not good enough to be included into mainstream kernel, and were finally abandoned. Thanks for the hint to check out GRE. It works great (now that I'm aware of Netfilter's bug, and the ways to work around it). Now I have interfaces that I can route to, and even writing Netfilter firewall rules is much simpler than by using IPSec's tunneling. And I don't have to worry if my ADSL link goes down and up. Hopefully it can also work between Linux and Cisco routers (can't test it out, none of my Cisco routers came with IPSec functionality enabled). ---------------------------------------------------------------- This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.