[ If you haven't noticed, I'm not bothering to append the subject anymore because other people are just pre-pending or even changing it. ] Les Mikesell <lesmikesell at gmail.com> wrote: > I have no idea what any of that means. It doesn't sound > easier than using the stock packages which also 'just work' > when you add the names and addresses that no other server > knows. It does help to have a tool to build the reverse > zones for you but webmin is probably the way to go if you > don't want to do it by hand. I agree! The graphical configuration GUI does an _excellent_ job of setting up forward zones, reverse zones and even forwarders in a chroot environment. At least it has as of FC3/RHEL4 (after some initial FC2 "first generation" issues). -- Bryan J. Smith | Sent from Yahoo Mail mailto:b.j.smith at ieee.org | (please excuse any http://thebs413.blogspot.com/ | missing headers)