[CentOS] Bind Setup

Thu Aug 11 13:55:03 UTC 2005
Lamar Owen <lowen at pari.edu>

On Thursday 11 August 2005 01:52, Jesse wrote:
> Folks. I thought this was a CentOS list not a Bind list... This list is
> getting out of hand lately.

You know, in a way I agree with this sentiment.

However, at the same time I also see that discussing the CentOS distribution 
of bind is not a big deal for this list.  

As to the idea that, if people want to talk about BIND they should go to a 
BIND list, I would pose this question:  are people to have to subscribe to a 
couple of thousand mailing lists, each of which talks about a specific 
component distributed with CentOS, and really flood their inboxes, or should 
we be patient with a couple of dozen component-specific threads in this list, 
which is likely to be friendlier to CentOS-related questions on that 
component?  What is wrong with being patient, and courteous?

Yes, if a thread goes too far, then perhaps it and its participants should 
discuss on a more specific mailing list, or privately.  But in my opinion at 
least this BIND thread hasn't gotten that far, and, for that matter, would 
probably not be on-topic for any of the BIND lists either.

But what is CentOS but a distribution of component packages?  If we can't 
discuss issues with the components, what use is the list?  Discussing the 
vagaries of the way bootable ISO's and yum repositories work?  Discussing the 
very specific patches and mods made by Red Hat upstream of the CentOS build 
process (but that would be more appropriate to nahant-list or taroon-list, 
right?)?  What IS on-topic for the list, then?

In my opinion, it is nice to have a relatively small, CentOS-friendly 
community with which to discuss component issues; many of the upstream 
packages' lists would be much less friendly (LKML anyone?).

And the fact of the matter is, this list is pretty low traffic.
Lamar Owen
Director of Information Technology
Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute
1 PARI Drive
Rosman, NC  28772