[CentOS] Remote archiving with tar over ssh

Fri Aug 12 17:02:57 UTC 2005
Ian mu <mu.llamas at gmail.com>

Any particular reason you're not using something like rsync -av -e ssh
or similar (or if not sure on rsync, might be an avenue worth looking
at, I use it all the time)?

On 8/12/05, James B. Byrne <ByrneJB at harte-lyne.ca> wrote:
> I am trying to create a one line command that will:
> 1. Find all files ending in .conf
> 2. tar these over ssh to a remote server.
> I have reached this point in my trials.
> a. I can find the files.
> b. I can tar them locally.
> c. I can get a simple fileset tar'ed to a remote server over ssh
> using tar -zvcf - /some/fileset | ssh host.domain.tld "cat >
> /backup/tarfile.tar.gz
> d. I cannot get tar to pipe find'ed files to the remote server over
> ssh.
> My current command line looks like this.
> find / -name "*.conf" | xargs -t tar -zcvf - | ssh \
> hostname.domain.tld \
> "cat > /var/spool/lvm_backups/hostname.city/confs.$(date
> +'%Y%m%d').tar.gz"
> I have tried replacing "tar -zcvf -" with "tar -zcvf - {}" and "tar -
> zcvf {}" to no avail.  The problem is that tar does not see the pipe
> to ssh and exits with signal 13.  What am I missing?
> Regards,
> Jim
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