[CentOS] Die, KDE! Die! (Sticking with Gnome and Yum Conflicts)

Thu Aug 18 13:28:01 UTC 2005
Dave Gutteridge <dave at tokyocomedy.com>

>This is tied to your going outside the CentOS repo base (and your
>loading of a newer version of KDE) ... 
I'm innocent, I swear!

At one point, all I wanted to do was install Amarok, the KDE MP3 player. 
But the download instrictions said I needed to install another 
repository, I couldn't just download a single RPM. So then I did a yum 
update, and it did a whole bunch of stuff, including update KDE to 3.4, 
and probably a whole mess of stuff I didn't want or need it to do. All I 
wanted was an MP3 player, and I got a whole new interface as well.

So, anyway, I ran yum list extras, and I got a bunch of results. But I 
can't tell if any of them would be particularly problematic.

[root at localhost ~]# yum list extras
Setting up Repos
dag                       100% |=========================| 1.1 kB    00:00
kbs-CentOS-Extras         100% |=========================|  951 B    00:00
kbs-CentOS-Misc           100% |=========================|  951 B    00:00
update                    100% |=========================|  951 B    00:00
base                      100% |=========================| 1.1 kB    00:00
addons                    100% |=========================|  951 B    00:00
extras                    100% |=========================| 1.1 kB    00:00
Reading repository metadata in from local files
dag       : ################################################## 2471/2471
kbs-CentOS: ################################################## 1210/1210
kbs-CentOS: ################################################## 60/60
update    : ################################################## 95/95
base      : ################################################## 1406/1406
extras    : ################################################## 32/32
Excluding Packages in global exclude list
Extra Packages
ImageMagick.i386                   installed
arts.i386                                8:1.4.2-1.1.el4.kde    installed
automake16.noarch                        1.6.3-5.fdr.4          installed
boost.i386                               1.32.0-3.1.rhel4       installed
boost-devel.i386                         1.32.0-3.1.rhel4       installed
gamin.i386                               0.0.26-0.0.rhel4.kde   installed
gamin-devel.i386                         0.0.26-0.0.rhel4.kde   installed
ghostscript.i386                         7.07-37.0.rhel4.kde    installed
gnokii.i386                              0.6.7-1.2.el4.rf       installed
gpg-pubkey.None                          6b8d79e6-3f49313d      installed
gpg-pubkey.None                          6b8d79e6-3f49313d      installed
gpg-pubkey.None                          ff6382fa-3e1ab2ca      installed
gpg-pubkey.None                          3e13cf5b-422eea1c      installed
gpg-pubkey.None                          443e1821-421f218f      installed
gpg-pubkey.None                          3e13cf5b-422eea1c      installed
gpg-pubkey.None                          6b8d79e6-3f49313d      installed
gtk+.i386                                1:1.2.10-33.5.rhel4.kd installed
gtk+-devel.i386                          1:1.2.10-33.5.rhel4.kd installed
gtk-chtheme.i386                         0.3.1-1                installed
iiimf-client-lib.i386                    1:11.4-43              installed
iiimf-client-lib-devel.i386              1:11.4-43              installed
iiimf-protocol-lib.i386                  1:11.4-43              installed
iiimf-protocol-lib-devel.i386            1:11.4-43              installed
kernel.i686                              2.6.9-11.106.unsupport installed
kernel-module-ntfs-2.6.9-11.EL.i686      2.1.20-0.rr.6.0        installed
kterm.i386                               6.2.0-36               installed
libmal.i386                              0.31-0.1.el4.kde       installed
libmusicbrainz.i386                      2.1.1-0.fdr.0.rhel4    installed
libmusicbrainz20.i386                    2.0.2-0.1.rhel4.kde    installed
libtunepimp.i386                         0.3.0-0.fdr.0.rhel4    installed
mDNSResponder.i386                       98-0.2.rhel4           installed
openofficeorg-base.i586                  1.9.122-1              installed
openofficeorg-calc.i586                  1.9.122-1              installed
openofficeorg-core01.i586                1.9.122-1              installed
openofficeorg-core02.i586                1.9.122-1              installed
openofficeorg-core03.i586                1.9.122-1              installed
openofficeorg-core03u.i586               1.9.122-1              installed
openofficeorg-core04.i586                1.9.122-1              installed
openofficeorg-core04u.i586               1.9.122-1              installed
openofficeorg-core05.i586                1.9.122-1              installed
openofficeorg-core05u.i586               1.9.122-1              installed
openofficeorg-core06.i586                1.9.122-1              installed
openofficeorg-core07.i586                1.9.122-1              installed
openofficeorg-core08.i586                1.9.122-1              installed
openofficeorg-core09.i586                1.9.122-1              installed
openofficeorg-core10.i586                1.9.122-1              installed
openofficeorg-draw.i586                  1.9.122-1              installed
openofficeorg-gnome-integration.i586     1.9.122-1              installed
openofficeorg-graphicfilter.i586         1.9.122-1              installed
openofficeorg-impress.i586               1.9.122-1              installed
openofficeorg-javafilter.i586            1.9.122-1              installed
openofficeorg-math.i586                  1.9.122-1              installed
openofficeorg-pyuno.i586                 1.9.122-1              installed
openofficeorg-redhat-menus.noarch        1.9.122-1              installed
openofficeorg-spellcheck.i586            1.9.122-1              installed
openofficeorg-testtool.i586              1.9.122-1              installed
openofficeorg-writer.i586                1.9.122-1              installed
openofficeorg-xsltfilter.i586            1.9.122-1              installed
openslp.i386                             1.2.1-0.1.rhel4        installed
qt.i386                                  1:3.3.4-17.0.el4.kde   installed
qt-devel.i386                            1:3.3.4-17.0.el4.kde   installed
samba-client.i386                        3.0.14a-2.1.el4.kde    installed
samba-common.i386                        3.0.14a-2.1.el4.kde    installed
xscreensaver-base.i386                   1:4.21-1.0.rhel4.kde   installed
xscreensaver-extras.i386                 1:4.21-1.0.rhel4.kde   installed
xscreensaver-gl-extras.i386              1:4.21-1.0.rhel4.kde   installed