[CentOS] Switching HTTPD ports

Thu Aug 18 21:39:11 UTC 2005
Mike Kercher <mike at CamaroSS.net>

centos-bounces at centos.org <> scribbled on Thursday, August 18, 2005 1:07 PM:

> Mike -
> Thank is what it appears to be, but I do not know my way
> around SELinux.  So far, I have just been using the GUI for
> secuity.  Any suggestions?
> I do see the place to add ports.  Would port 82 be a tcp port?
> Todd
> Mike Kercher wrote:
>> centos-bounces at centos.org <> scribbled on Thursday, August 18, 2005
>> 10:23
>> AM:
>>> I need to run Apache on a port other than 80, 81 or 8080.  My other
>>> servers are using 80 and 81 (RH 9: 80; Windows Apache:
>>> 81).  If I set the port in httpd.conf to anything other
> than 80, I get
>>> an error that a socket cannot be created for the port.
>>> No doubt it has something to do with security (did not have that
>>> problem with Win Apache, but Windows is Windows).  Any
> suggestions on
>>> where I should look?
>>> Todd
>> Could this be an SELinux problem?

httpd listens on tcp ports so you would want to allow tcp/82 in your SELinux
