[CentOS] Job opportunities for Linux. [OT]

Fri Aug 19 20:07:00 UTC 2005
Bryan J. Smith <b.j.smith at ieee.org>

Rodrigo Barbosa <rodrigob at suespammers.org> wrote:
> Yeah yeah. I've heard that myself.

It's the biggest load of BS.  When I hear fellow Microsoft
professionals spew that crap, I immediately tell them that
what feeds the negative views of Microsoft professionals.

> Currently I own a company that provide Linux consulting,
> along with some other business lines. I keep getting job
> offers, and currently have a real hard time find good Linux
> professionals to work for me.

Big-time dittos there -- "I ... current have a real hard time
find[ing] good Linux professionals to work for me."

That's the problem.  You have the normal lack of
professionals  (in general) used to travel, contracts,
professionalism, etc...  Then you have the added problem of
Linux knowledge.  It is so very, very difficult to find the

> Actually, from what I've heard, one of the bigest problems
> companies migrating to Linux are facing is the shortage of
> (good) Linux professionals.


Regardless of what you think of certification in general (I
loathe it, and have complained about the "cert whore"
industry where you have to do "tricks"), the non-profit Linux
Professional Institute (LPI) is trying to do its best to
further the concerns of Linux Professionals and employeers
alike ... world-wide.

[ E.g., the US is #3 in number of LPI certified individuals.


Bryan J. Smith                | Sent from Yahoo Mail
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