Ok, so it looks like your kernel is missing one or more of the following: a) hard disk hardware device drivers b) partition drivers (very unlikely, only if non-MSDOS disklabels) c) file system drivers for the root filesystem or possibly it's been setup for initrd operation and d) initrd support is lacking in the kernel e) the initrd file system (ramfs tmpfs or whatever) is lacking f) the initrd is screwed up... What are the grub.conf entries for the kernel? does it reference an initrd? does it boot/how does it screw up if the initrd for this new kernel is commented out? On Tue, 23 Aug 2005, cpp fire wrote: > Oh,sorry,I did not describe it clearly. > When booting the system,it stops with these words: > "kernel panic:VFS:Unable to mount root fs on > unknown-block(0,0)" > > Maybe it's what you want. > Thank you! > > > > > > > ___________________________________________________________ > 雅虎免费G邮箱-中国第一绝无垃圾邮件骚扰超大邮箱 > http://cn.mail.yahoo.com > > _______________________________________________ > CentOS mailing list > CentOS at centos.org > http://lists.centos.org/mailman/listinfo/centos >