回复: Re: [CentOS] Help.I can't start with my new kernel.

Tue Aug 23 13:26:13 UTC 2005
Bryan J. Smith <b.j.smith at ieee.org>

On Tue, 2005-08-23 at 09:03 -0400, Jim Perrin wrote:
> Your steps used to be correct for rebuilding a kernel, but
> distributions have increased dramatically in complexity to
> the point that new steps are in order for rebuilding a
> kernel for an rpm based distro.

Amen.  I got berated by a Gentoo bigot (I am a Gentoo user) whose
knowledge was still stuck at Red Hat Linux 6.2/7.3 on a LUG list when I
tried to correct his RHEL4 recommendations.

> Redhat ( and by proxy centos ) have lilterally hundreds of patches
> built into their kernels and because of this it is becoming
> increasingly more difficult to use vanilla kernels from kernel.org.

It's more than just that.  You not only have to "prep" from .src.rpm to
ensure the patches, but you really need to follow the steps in the .spec
file _exactly_ afterwards.

One of the most _dangerous_ Makefile targets is "make mrproper", named
after Mr. Clean (the occassional European branding).  It will _wipe_out_
header files, and if you're not in the chroot environment, you could
wipe out files under a symlink.  For those of you who ran into this
under Red Hat Linux 7, and had to reinstall the "kernel-headers" RPM,
that's what I'm talking about.  ;->

Some kernel.org kernels, when unarchived, make all sorts of symlinks
into system headers and files.

Bryan J. Smith     b.j.smith at ieee.org     http://thebs413.blogspot.com
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