[CentOS] yum vs. Alert Notification Tool

Alfred von Campe

alfred at 110.net
Mon Dec 5 04:17:46 UTC 2005

> you need to pick up the 'updates' directory

Ah, that makes sense.  The only reason I looked in the os directory on 
the ftp servers was that when I did a "find /my/path/to/centos -name 
shadow\*" it was the only directory that contained the shadow-utils 
RPM.  I can see that there is a newer version of this RPM in the 
mirrors.  So the question becomes, why isn't my rsync picking up this 
file?  It's picked up every other file in the updates directory except 
for that one.  According to the logs, my rsync ran last night.  Here is 
the command I run from cron:

   rsync --archive --delete --partial --progress --stats --verbose \
   --exclude="SRPMS" --exclude="alpha" --exclude="ia64" --exclude="ppc" \
   --exclude="s390*" --exclude="x86_64" --exclude="isos" \
   rsync://rsync.gtlib.gatech.edu/centos/4 /my/path/to/centos

I think I just found the problem.  I need to rsync the 4.2 directory.  
I think I made this change a couple of weeks ago (from 4.2 to 4), but I 
don't remember why.  I've changed it back to 4.2, and it's rsync'ing a 
whole bunch of files now.


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