[CentOS] Top Posting -- [OT] YAET (yet another ettique thread)

Robert Tate

rbt at iag.net
Fri Dec 30 02:37:57 UTC 2005

On Thursday 29 December 2005 15:34, Bryan J. Smith wrote:
> Robert Tate <rbt at iag.net> wrote:
> > (cut ;-)
> Let's not have YAET (yet another ettique thread).  If you
> need someone to rebuke, rebuke me for whatever -- I seem to
> use all the "traditional approaches" that new people hate
> (appending subject that shows up well in Google searches,
> cutting out original quotes, button posting, complete
> verbosity that shows up well in Google searches, etc...).

Hi Bryan, 
Well, it looks like I have managed to piss off everyone in just a few postings 
and got my self black listed already! It normally takes you quite a while to 
reach that point :-) I asked a few questions at the end of the thread about 
how to fix the HTML posting and such and not a word since. I guess I'll go 
over to Leap and see if anyone there is more civil.....

BTW: Welcome back from the middle of the Pacific. Too bad about UCF! :< 

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