I am trying to install Centos on my old Portege 2490CT. Actually a pretty good box, but it does not support USB booting. Only HDD, FDD (interestingly a USB device), 'CD-Rom', or LAN. The only CDroms I have is a nice USB drive and an old PCMCIA toshiba NW24XCD drive. I have not gotten this system to boot off of my USB CDrom. It will boot of the NW24XCD. So I put the CentOS disk 1 in the drive and boot. Boot seems to go OK, it asks my the language preferences but then gives me the dialog: What type of Media contains the packages to be installed? When I select CDrom I get the dialog: Unable to find may devices of the type neededfor this installation type. Would you like to manually select your driver or use a driver disk? And there is a list of a bunch of drivers. I have a hunch that my PCMCIA NW24XCD is not a standard supported drive. :( So what from the list do I select? Or where do I get a driver disk? POI: I am not a Unix skilled person. I can get by with VI and the like, but otherwises I just have not devoted the time needed... HELP?