[CentOS] Tyan S2891 and CentOS -- 6, 8, 10+ PCI busses in today's new systems

Fri Dec 2 17:15:39 UTC 2005
Bryan J. Smith <thebs413 at earthlink.net>

rik at harddata.com wrote:
> This must be old documentation.  The pci=nobios flag didn't
> work.

It doesn't mean the documentation is old.  The HOWTO clearly
lists the "pci=conf1" and "pci=conf2" options.  They wouldn't
exist if they merely only sent "pci=nobios" -- they are doing
something differently.

I probably means the "pci=conf1" does something a few things
more than just what "pci=nobios" does.  Most docs say try
"pci=nobios", "pci=conf1" and "pci=conf2" to see if they
resolve issues with how the BIOS enumerates PCI

It wouldn't surprise me if modern Phoenix ServerBIOSes have
several ACPI configuration modes that send limited info by
default, and offer 1-2 additional modes (hence conf1/conf2)
with more info -- detailed lists that might hang OSes like
Windows (especially DOS-based) which are rather simplistic
and limited at the bootstrap.

Again, I'll do more research and put this in the ELManagers

> The problem was fixed by adjusting a BIOS setting.
> By changing the Installed OS to Linux I am able to boot the
> machine without any boot flags.

What this probably does is send the "Conf1" info as the
default.  Again, I need to research this more.

[ Although I'd love to see if a Windows install/boot hangs
with that setting -- especially Windows 95/98. ;-]

Bryan J. Smith                | Sent from Yahoo Mail
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