[CentOS] Re: Planning Mail Server (with low resources)

Wed Dec 7 18:48:49 UTC 2005
Feizhou <feizhou at graffiti.net>

Alain Reguera wrote:
>>1) Minor: Why do you want a large /home?
> To let the users organise their mails in folders (using squirrelmail
> or maybe another webmail client). If there are other ways of do this I
> would be very pleased to know them.

Oh. Their mail folders will be organized through IMAP and therefore 
through cyrus-imap. If that is all, then don't make a separate /home. 
Users will create their folders through cyrus in /var/spool/imap.

>>Remember to make overquota a temp/soft failure then if that is what you
> sorry about my ignorance, but what does it (temp/soft failure) mean.

Sorry, temp = temporary or soft and hard means permanent failure. Soft 
fail means try again. Hard fail means don't bother trying.

> Restructuring setup
> ----------------------------------
> Hardware:
> Pentium III 1.4Ghz
> 256 RAM
> 40 GB HD-IDE
> Soft:
> CentOS 4.2
> Postfix
> Cyrus-IMAPd
> Partitioning(in MB):
> /                         1.000
> /boot/                  100
> swap                   512
> /home/                15.888
> /tmp/                   500
> /var/                    7.000
> /var/spool/imap/    15.000
> What do you think 'bout this?

Given above, I suggest 10.000 for /var and a 5.000 /usr and what is left 
from /home going to /var/spool/imap.

> I agree with you that is needed more memory, and more disk space, I'll
> work to upgrade the hardware.

Memory, I don't know...from what I have gathered, 256MB should be ok.

Disks, I would suggest at least two disks and running them mirrored so 
that you don't lose everything if a disk should die.

> Would be recommended to separate /var/logs/ and /var/spool/mqueue/ in
> different partitions too? or is enough  with separate only /var/.

I think a 10GB /var should be sufficient. With 2k users, you should not 
get large compressed logs.