[CentOS] How to select a motherboard

Thu Dec 15 16:24:12 UTC 2005
Bryan J. Smith <thebs413 at earthlink.net>

Feizhou <feizhou at graffiti.net> wrote:
> HighPoint 37x chipsets are supported by the dmraid
> driver...which is not available on CentOS apparently...

A _lot_ of FRAID chipsets are getting more and more support
c/o the LVM2-DM2 work, such as the DMRAID implementation. 
It's really just the DeviceMapper in the kernel handling the
various vendor-eccentric disk organizations, while the RAID
logic is handled by the kernel.

I mean, most of these FRAID controllers are merely "plain old
disks" with some specially organized bits.  The FRAID's OS
driver then knows how to write them correctly, hence how
DMRAID can do the same.

Unfortunately, the entire LVM2-DM2 stack is a race-condition
nightmare.  That's why it's not included in RHEL 4.

Bryan J. Smith                | Sent from Yahoo Mail
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